Registration opens for fall programming June 3

WHITEHORSE – If you want to secure your seat at Yukon College this fall, be prepared to line up when registration opens on Monday.

The doors of the admissions office will open at 9:00 a.m. and admissions staff said applications are up 18% over this time last year.

“We usually experience a rush for high demand programs when we begin registration,” said Jennifer Moorlag, Yukon College Registrar. “Students coming on Monday should definitely expect a line up.”

Moorlag said the eight programs with the highest demand are Renewable Resource Management, Practical Nursing, Office Administration, Home Care Assistant, Carpentry, Electrical, Pre-Employment Welding, and Culinary Arts. These programs currently have more qualified applicants than seats available.

To help students entering these specific eight programs who may not have all their funding in place, the college will be accepting a non-refundable deposit of $250.00, with the balance due by August 15. This is a change in admissions policy for the college which asks for full payment of all tuition and fees from students at the time of registration.

“Some students determined to enter a program this year could lose that opportunity while waiting on decisions from various funding agencies, so we made an adjustment to level the playing field. It is first-come-first-served for everyone,” explained Moorlag.

For students registering in all other programs, payment in full will be expected at the time of registration.

Yukon College Admissions office is located at Ayamdigut campus in Whitehorse and is open from 9:00 a.m. to 4.30 p.m. Monday to Friday. Students outside of Whitehorse can register at their nearest community campus.

For more information visit: or call Admissions at (867) 668-8710.


For more information, contact:

Michael Vernon
Communications Coordinator
College Relations
Yukon College

Jacqueline Bedard
College Relations
Yukon College